LI Zhenfu
Professional titles: Professor, PhD Supervisor
Academic degree: PhD
Major: Transportation planning & management
Research area: Political and economic issues on the Arctic shipping Routes
Postal address: Transportation management college, Dalian Maritime University, No.1 Linghai Road, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China
Postal code: 116026
Email address: lizhenfu863@163.com
Wechat: nankaibeimen
Academic & Teaching Profile
LI Zhenfu (1969- ), male, post-doctor, a professor and PhD supervisor of Transportation management college in Dalian Maritime University, director of the DMU research center for polar maritime. Master’s degree in Information Management & Information System and doctoral degree in Transportation management & planning were awarded by Jilin University in 2000 and 2003 respectively. The postdoctoral research was accomplished in Nankai University which ended up in 2005.
A lecturer of Transportation engineering & logistics college in DMU from 2004 to 2005, a vice professor of Transportation management college in DMU from 2005 to 2009 and a professor afterward, getting the title of PhD tutor in DMU in 2011.
Focusing on research of political and economic issues on the Arctic shipping routes, have published 60 papers in the Chinese core journals and five books, and have accomplished 10 research projects at national and ministerial level. Among them, one project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, two projects by National Social Science Foundation of China, and one by 2013 Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China.
The project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China is Energy landscape simulation on the structural evolution of the complex network of the Arctic rights and interests (granted number: 61174166; research period: January 2012 to December 2015). The project supported by National Social Science Foundation of China is International coordination mechanisms for the Arctic shipping routes issues (granted number: 08BGJ007; research period: 2008 to 2010). The project supported by Major Program of National Social Science Foundation of China is Research on China’s Arctic shipping routes strategies and the construction of marine power (granted number: 13&ZD170; research period: 2013 to 2018).
Initially proposing the concept of The Large Arctic and identifying its geographical area by using several scientific indicators, thus provide a new perspective for further research on the Arctic and the Arctic shipping routes. Our research team, consisting of one professor, two vice professors, three lecturers, three PhD students and fifteen master students, so far are continuously carrying out deep research on the wide political and economic issues on the Arctic shipping routes.