Third Russian-Chinese Arctic School on Green Energy Transitions

The Third Russian-Chinese Arctic School “Anthropogenic impact on Arctic ecosystems: in search of new approaches to Arctic management” was held from April 1st to 6th in St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk, Russia.[Full Text]


The Third Russian-Chinese Arctic School was held at SPbSU

"Anthropogenic impact on Arctic ecosystems in search of new approaches to Arctic management": under this motto, the opening of the Third Arctic School took place at the University, where scientists and experts discussed prospects for mutual cooperation within Arctic research. The moderator of the event was Nadezhda Klimovna Kharlampyeva, the scientific director and coordinator of the Council of the Educational Program of SPbU "International Cooperation in the Field of Environment and Development."[Full Text]


Petrozavodsk received a delegation from China to discuss the development of co-operation

Карелия и Китай нашли точки соприкосновения в вопросах энергетики и экологии в рамках проведения международной арктической школы.[Full Text]


RIAC Discusses Prospects for Russia-Chinа Cooperation in Arctic

The Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) held a roundtable on the theme “The Arctic Dimension of Eurasian Integration” on 19 April 2016. The key speech was delivered by Professor Guo Peiqing, the Executive Director of the Institute of Polar Law and Policy of the Ocean University of China. The speech focused on China’s interests and the foundations of its strategy in the Arctic as well as the role of the Arctic region in the implementation of integration initiatives in Eurasia.[Full Text]


A Brief Introduction of POP

Polar and Ocean Portal is builded by scholars all around the world who are interested in polar and ocean issues. [Full Text]
