In recent years, up to 40% of the central Arctic Ocean has been ice-free in summer. This open water makes access possible for ordinary vessels, including fishing boats. Participation would strengthen China's interest in Arctic affairs in a cooperative fashion, in contrast to a perception that China is interested solely in extracting Arctic resources and is thus a competitor with Arctic states. [Full Text]
German policymakers and researchers are becoming more active in Arctic issues and in so doing are not only creating networks with international actors in the Arctic, but increasingly also building collaborations within the world of German science, politics, and society. In view of the challenges that face the Arctic, it is essential for all actors to intensify their engagement. For ultimately, thanks to the interconnectedness of the global climate system, the changes happening in the Arctic are not limited to the far north; rather, consequences such as alterations in weather patterns have the potential to affect those of us in the middle latitudes as well.[Full Text]
The Arctic Coast Guard Forum was officially established on Friday, at the US Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut. Some have argued it can serve as an a
[Full Text]2015-11-22
This research effort was designed to search for new ways to strengthen U.S.-Russian bilateral cooperation in the Arctic during the U.S. chairmanship of the Arctic Council (2015–2017), as well as to explain to U.S. and international audiences why the Russian Arctic is so vital to Russia's future. [Full Text]
it’s clear that Obama set an interest in the Arctic after two terms as president, that he is seeing this as a part of his legacy package. Tthe military capabilities that are being developed are very powerful and are going to entirely change the security structure of the Arctic region.There are certain geopolitical realities that have meant the so-called Ice Curtain never really stopped. [Full Text]
China and the U.S. have an obligation and opportunity to work together on a range of cooperative issues to maintain the Arctic’s future as a peaceful, safe and secure region, as that new frontier opens. Both nations must be proactive in Arctic matters within their already existing dialogue and in international organizations including the Arctic Council. [Full Text]
The key word for Arctic shipping is “reliable” -- in the transportation world, trains, planes, ships and trucks need to meet a schedule or customers go elsewhere. Still hidden in Arctic haze is a commitment by any nation, with the exception of Russia, to develop a business model that will attract the real investment necessary to make the Arctic Ocean a regular, working seaway.[Full Text]
U.S. believes that the world holds the responsibility to protect its peoples, ways of life, and environment from disappearing – not just the Arctic Council member states and permanent participants. In addressing Arctic climate change, the actions of old and newly industrialized countries like the U.S., China, and India may be more important than the actions of the Arctic Council.[Full Text]
Only with the support of the international community and the guidance of the Arctic Council nations will we find the right balance of environmental protection, economic development and social equity in this fragile and strategic region.[Full Text]
The decisions among all five Arctic states that have oil reserves in their arctic waters has never been about if the oil should be developed, but when. The exploitation of arctic oil resources has already begun and will only expand – but on an entirely national basis.[Full Text]