美国维吉尼亚大学(U.Va.)法学院法学硕士(海洋法律与政策专业学位)(LL.M. -- with Specialization in Oceans Law and Policy)
《中国海洋法学评论》(China Oceans Law Review,ISSN:1813-7350)主编;
Aegean Review of the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law(《爱琴海海洋法海商法评论》,希腊)编辑委员会委员;
1.Kuen-chen Fu, Delimitation of the Overlapping EEZs Between Taiwan and the Philippines, (Taiwan) Soochow University Law Review 《东吴法律学报》,第四卷第二期, March 1984.
2.Kuen-chen Fu, Pollution Control in the Exclusive Economic Zone: A Comment, Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Volume 4, 1984.
3.Kuen-chen Fu, Some Social Approaches for Reaching Equitable Solutions of Ocean Boundary Disputes, 《台大法学论丛》,1986年12月。
5.Kuen-chen Fu, Jurisdiction Over Environmental Violations in the Taiwan Strait Area
---A Perspective from Each Side of The Strait, University of British Columbia Law Review, Volume 27, Number1, 1993
6.傅崐成,台湾海峡犯罪防制立法政策白皮书, 作者自刊,1998。
7.Kuen-chen Fu, When The Salvaged Property Is An UCH – Relationship Among Three Conventions, The 5th International Conference on Maritime Law, Shanghai, Oct. 11-14, 2002.(论文集由上海海运学院编印)
8.Kuen-chen Fu, A Chinese Perspective on the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage , The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,(ISSN 0927-3522) Vol.18-1, March 2003.
9.Kuen-chen Fu, Delimitating the Chinese Continental Shelves: Ways and Issues, Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits, Myron H. Nordquist, et al ed., Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004. (ISBN 90-04-13941-9)
10.Kuen-chen Fu, A Regional Cooperation Scheme for the Conservation and Management of Fishery Resources in the South China Sea, Symposium on China’s Relations with ASEAN: New Dimensions, National Singapore University, 2004-12-2-4.
11. 傅崐成,专属经济海域与沿海国的管辖权(EEZ and The Coastal State’s Jurisdiction),《中国海洋法学评论》(China Oceans Law Review)(ISSN:1813-7350),页78-89,2006年第1期,2006年8月出版。
12. Kuen-chen Fu, Coastal States’ Right to Control Scientific Research Activities in The EEZ, presented and collected in the proceedings of The International Symposium On The Changing Oceanic Landscape in the Indian Ocean Region: Issues and Perspectives of Debate, Centre for Security Analysis, Chinnai, India, 13~15 December 2006.
13. Kuen-chen Fu, Vessel Source Pollution and Protection of Marine Environment in
The Taiwan Strait Area, presented in The 32nd COLP Conference, Orchard Hotel, Singapore, 9-10 January 2008.
14. 傅崐成,南海U形线与中国的历史性水域,2010年1月,博鳌:海峡两岸南海问题学术研讨会。
15. 傅崐成,海上通道安全与海上执法手段, 2010年4月28日,海口:中国南海研究院。
16. 傅崐成,海峡两岸关系的法律面, 2010年10月24日,第二届“海峡两岸国际法学论坛”学术研讨会,北京:清华大学法学院。
17. Kuen-chen Fu, Policing the Sea and the Proportionality Principle, Globalization and The Law of the Sea Conference, Marriott Hotel, Washington, D.C.,USA, 2-4 December 2010.
18. Kuen-chen Fu, Origin of the Chinese Historic Waters in the South China Sea, UNCLOS and the South China Sea Issues, Alberta University, 21-23 September 2011.
1.傅崐成着, 《南海的主权与矿藏 --- 历史与法律》, 台北: 幼狮文化公司 (1981).
2.傅崐成着, 《法律与国是》, 台北: 时报出版社 ( 1982 ).
3.Equitable Ocean Boundary Delimitation (in English), Nat'l Taiwan Univ. Law Book Series 58,Taipei: 123 Information Co., 1989.
4.傅崐成着, 《国际海洋法 --- 衡平画界论》, 台北:三民书局( 1992 ).
5.傅崐成着, 《国际海洋法与渔权之争》, 台北:123 信息公司 (1992, 1994增订二版 ).
6.傅崐成着, 《南(中国)海法律地位的研究》, 台北:123 信息公司 ( 1995).
7.Vessel-source Pollution and Coastal State Jurisdiction (in English), co-author with Erik Franx et al, Chapter of Taiwan, Kluwer Law International, 2001.
8. UN Convention on the Law of the Sea -- with a complete index of Chinese and English (in Chinese and English), Taipei: 123 Information Co., 2001 (Revised 2nd ed.)
9.傅崐成,《依法治国 ―― 跨越海峡的信念》,台北:海峡学术出版社(2003)。
11.傅崐成,《海洋法专题研究》,厦门大学出版社 (2004)。
12.傅崐成,《海洋法相关公约及中英文索引》,厦门大学出版社 (2005)。
13.Kuen-chen Fu, as co-editor with Myron Nordquist and John N. Moore, Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea and China, Martinus Nijhoff, 2006.
14. Kuen-chen Fu, as co-author, in Sarah Dromgoole ed., The Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage: National Perspectives in Light of the UNESCO Convention 2001, ISBN 90 04 15273 3, Brill Publishing Company, 2006.
15.傅崐成,《水下文化遗产的国际法保护》,ISBN:7-5036-6552-1 / D. 6269, 北京:法律出版社,(2006年9月)。
19. 傅崐成,《美国合同法精义》,ISBN:978-7-5615-3001-6,厦门:厦门大学出版社(2008年8月)。
20.傅崐成,《美国维吉尼亚大学海洋法论文卅年精选集》,一套四册, ISBN:978-7-5615-3353-6,厦门:厦门大学出版社(2010)。
21. 傅崐成,《美国契约法精义》,ISBN:978-957 -11-6048- 1,台北:五南出版社(2010年9月)。